One of my favorite speakers- Angela Thomas spoke at our MOPS group last Tuesday. Every time I hear her speak I come away with something new & helpful. One of the first times I heard her speak she talked about how our kids need to see us praying and studying the Bible. That has made an impact on me. Where I used to put away my Bible and devotional if the kids got up early from nap- now I go ahead and finish while they watch TV. They know Mommy’s Bible study is important!
I loved the topic of Angela’s talk- 5 things I wish someone would have told me sooner. I want to remember these things!! Now I just took short handed notes and its been awhile since Tuesday so some of this is my interpretation of what she said…..
1- The most important gift to give my kids and my husband is to care for my heart. It is more important that the housework, the crafts, the outings. One of the things she said is that we should choose to grow spiritually- because if not God will choose for us and that might not be as pleasant.
2- Simple memories are the sweetest. She talked about listing the 10 things you love about each one of your kids- and asked do your kids know those things??
3- Don’t spend so much money on your kids!
4- Laughter will carry you through. She mentioned that your kids love to hear you laugh. Your house needs to be fun- you want them to want to be there- to bring their friends there.
5- Take no offense. Take everything as a compliment.
And then she kept going I was glad- I didn’t want it to end!
6- Never stop touching your children. Touch them when you walk by, touch them so much they expect it!
7- Comparison is so unfair! You are always comparing someone else’s best to your worst.
8- Tebow Em She talked about how you have to build character early & have strong boundaries. Help your kids memorize scripture.
Somewhere in there she talked about how in the big picture Jesus is on the throne. Even the things that seem like huge things in the moment really aren't. This is the thing that has stuck with me the most. I have a hard time in the moment of something that seems like a big deal, a “what in the world were you thinking!!!” moment, I lose my cool. I yell. I lose perspective. So I’ve instituted a new rule in our house. When something happens and I want to yell, to say “what were you thinking??!!”, or just feel myself getting frustrated at all of the little things, I say “Jesus is on the throne” and the kids say “Hallelujah!!” It breaks up my mad, lifts my eyes to Jesus, and perspective hits home. Jesus is on the throne! He is in control. One day we will be in Heaven with Him! Now the fact that they just took all the clothes off the hangers, put half the bottle of shampoo and a bunch of lotion in her dry hair, woke up her sister, or reprogrammed my computer doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. They are kids- and yes they need to learn not to do those things- but they need to see their Mom loving them, showing them grace, and putting all the focus on Jesus more!! So if you see me out and about and I yell out “Jesus is on the throne” and my kids throw their hands up and yell “Hallelujah”…. you will know what’s going on :)