Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bay House Day 3


Wednesday was our last day- the girls enjoyed singing with Grandma!DSC_0371DSC_0375DSC_0373DSC_0385

Such a pretty sunrise!

We headed home after breakfast and had a pretty good trip back.  We enjoyed our time at the Bay House but we missed Tim!  We were happy to get back home and are trying to get back into our routine!

girlspapapharisee This is picture from my phone- on the way to the bay house we stopped at my parent’s church to see Tim’s mom and my dad getting ready for their Easter play.  My dad is a Pharisee and the girls enjoyed seeing him getting makeup Smile

girlspirate Another phone pic- dinner at  the Crabby Patty

So thankful for the time we got to spend with my parents and all the fun memories made!!

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