Wednesday, November 3, 2010

More Halloween fun

First we have school parties…. Nathan as Spiderman in his class


Izzy’s class didn’t dress up but had lots of yummy food that she so nicely shared with Piper Smile013

Piper was not so sure about the grapes.015016020

But she loved the toys!


Later on in the week we went to a farm and had some fun.  Waaaaay overpriced and not nearly as good as it has been in years past- we will not be going back next year!029032033043052055058063068075083093103105

On friday we trekked to a park across the county and had a BLAST at a Fall Fun event hosted by one of my friends.  Piper finally got to wear her bumblebee costume and Izzy wore her peacock (although I had to convince her it was a peacock princess Smile110114120128134152165167176181184189

I love the above pic of Izzy the dress matches her eyes!194211

I love Halloween, the costumes, the candy, the cookies- and the real event is still to come!!

1 comment:

Emily Wilson said...

I love all of Piper and Izzie's costumes! sooo cute!