Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Where I’ve been

Uganda 340

The most beautiful place I have even been!


Uganda 785

With the wonderful people of Good Shepherd’s Fold

In Uganda

And that is where my part of my heart will forever remain.

Words can’t express how it was to be there- peaceful, wonderful, heartbreaking….

I am so thankful that I got to experience being there with the missionaries, kids and other members of our team.  I know I will go again one day! 

I don’t know what God’s plans are but I am so happy to have been able to go!!

Uganda 806

You can see more of what we did while we were there at



Wilson Ramblings said...

I'm glad you are back safely! I totally know how you can leave a part of your heart there. I know God used you mightily! Can wait to hear more about your trip!

Lara said...

I can't wait to hear more!