Thursday, October 10, 2013

What we’ve been up to recently


Piper is Cassidy’s little mommy.  A lot of days we pretend she is the mommy & I am the babysitter.  Somehow the babysitter always gets stuck with the dirty diapers though..???20130909075420 SPUN-KY! 


The big girls are doing AWANA at our church.  Tim is leading worship time and they girls think he is the coolest daddy ever!!

20130912180821 Cassidy’s personality is showing more and more.  She is so much fun!

20130914101915 Enjoying a park family day!2013091510283020130915103407

Piper participated in communion for the first time.  She was very serious and understood what it means.  She has talked about it a lot since then.  She was teaching Cassidy about it out of her little Bible the other day…. wish I had gotten a pic of that… I was too busy wiping the tears Crying face2013091621100120130917083245

Tim & I got our Cassidy tattoos.  Tim has one for each kiddo.  Cassidy means clever so he got a fox to symbolize that.  The heart & triangle is the symbol for adoption.  And the star symbolizes third child.  He puts a lot of thought into what to get & I think it turned out wonderfully!  I got Cassidy’s footprint added to my leg.


We did pirate day to get a dozen free Krispy Kreme doughnuts!20130919183009

Cassidy’s first wagon ride!  She loves the wagon!!


We went to the air show.  It was a lot of fun!  The girls didn’t care too much about the air show but loved all the giveaways, seeing Snow White & getting their faces painted.201309211302382013092113185420130921133048

Some of the airplanes were really cool!


They really loved building the little tool boxes!


Cassidy loves to be outside & the weather recently has been awesome!  All the kiddos love her!20131001183800

We are ready for Halloween!! 

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