Friday, August 27, 2010

Park after the rain

On Wednesday we wanted to hand out with Nathan & Katie and wanted to do something fun.  She suggested a walk or jumping in puddles- I suggested triad park so Piper could play too- and that is where we went.  It rained all night on Tuesday night and some Wednesday morning so it was pretty wet.  The good thing is that Triad park has the spongy stuff instead of mulch/mud so it was wet but it wasn’t muddy :)  It was a very fun time! 

  005 004010 012 019 033 037 044 047 098054 061 As if there wasn’t enough water- Izzy & Nathan had fun playing in the faucet.  069 071 074 084 Guess he was thirsty?

130096  104 105 112 119 126

Loads of fun with bestest buddies!!

1 comment:

Ryan and Amy said...

So where is this Triad Park exactly? Somehow I haven't ever gotten there. Also... next time ya'll go to Adams Farm park you better tell me and I'll meet you! ;)