Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cell phone pics

I will apologize now for the grainy cell phone picture quality.  I recently got a new phone that actually plugs into my computer so I could download all my REALLY old pics.  I also apologize for all of the pics….. but it was really hard to not post all 109 of them- so really I did cut down a lot Smile  These are random snippets of our life.  The life I love so much and am extremely thankful for…. every silly part of it!!phone pics 002phone pics 015phone pics 017phone pics 018phone pics 025phone pics 037

Do you wonder if those are Piper or Izzy?  All of the pics above are Izzy and some of them I had to look at the dates on to make sure……phone pics 043

This is one of my all time favorite pictures Smilephone pics 069phone pics 059phone pics 074I have so many pics like this!

phone pics 079

I get this look from Piper now (it is Izzy in picture)phone pics 046phone pics 050phone pics 055

Sweet sharing sisters Smile

phone pics 070phone pics 091phone pics 095phone pics 098phone pics 100 Sleeping Beautyphone pics 101

This is why I had to move Piper’s car seat to the back of the van- she always wants to hold Izzy’s hand.  She says “Iggy hand”.phone pics 104Skittles at Savannah’s gamephone pics 106

Dress up Smilephone pics 111phone pics 112

Tea party with Grandma. 


So glad to have some of my oldie but goodie pics saved forever on here.  Now that I can hook my phone to the computer I won’t have to stockpile them Smile

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOVE these pics.. what would we do without our cell phones? I get the most real life pics with mine! Looks like you do too. I miss you a ton too and thank you SO MUCH for your e-mail! It meant the world to me and just made my day.. even week! Would you believe I follow that blog too? Wish I had thought of that title. I'm so living that at this exact moment!!!