Monday, June 15, 2009

Water with the Wilson's & Winston Childrens's Museum

WOW! What a wonderful time we have been having! This weekend was jam packed with fun! On Saturday evening we went to the lake with the Wilson's. We asked Izzy if she wanted to go swimming... she said- "swimming, Nay Nay.. gotta go!" Hahahaha. She sure loves to hang out with her buddy. We went to the lake and had a great time. The water was warm and the kiddos had a great time. Izzy is not a fan of the life jacket but loved Nathan's float!

One of Nathan & Izzy;s favorite games. "Rosie"- ring around the rosie :)
Everyone had to play!
We ate dinner at the lake and then headed back to the Wilson's house. Izzy and Nathan had fun dancing the night away.
On Sunday we had a cookout with our sunday school class. There were lots of pics but this one that Katie took of Izzy was my favorite. She loves her some "Daydee!"
Today we went to the Winston-Salem's children's museum. It was really cool. They have lots of different rooms and all have a theme. This is the library. Big pillows to "crash" on!
Of course there was some "rosie"
Izzy didn't know what to think about the dress up.
They had this thing called the "circulator." The kiddos loved it! It sucked in the scarves and shot them out another hole.

Upstairs there is a forest themed room. Izzy was kissing the Lion while Z rode it :)
The last room we went into was a krispy kreme room! My type of place! The kiddos loves putting the doughnuts in the first part and turning the wheels to get the doughnuts through.
Ok they REALLY liked putting them in :)
Went looking for Izzy and found her hiding with a (pretend) box of doughnuts. She was bent down pretending to eat them.... definitely her mother's daughter!
She had a death grip on that box!
We are so thankful for all of our friends! We have so much fun whatever we do with them! Can't wait for the next adventure!

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