Monday, January 4, 2010

Snow Day!!!!!!!

Yes we actually had a decent snow day! It started right around lunch time so we bundled up and headed outside to play a little before nap. The kiddos (and mommies) were so excited! We tried to catch it on our tongues and ran around like crazy :) We went on in and when we woke up from nap there was a big blanket of snow and it was still coming down. This was the first time Izzy has actually PLAYED and enjoyed the snow! I loved watching her explore it and have fun!

Eating huge chunks was one of her favorite parts! A family that sleds together stays together!

Go Wilson's Go!!
All the kids we were playing with..... BIG kids Izzy calls them :)
I started rolling down the hill instead of sledding- you get really dizzy but it is tons of fun. Pretty soon the kiddos joined in....

Me & my honey :)
Izzy and Daddy
I told you she enjoyed it! We are hoping this is not our only snow of the winter! We really had a blast and are awaiting more :)

1 comment:

Wilson Ramblings said...

i hope we get more snow too!