Sunday, June 10, 2012

Catching up cell phone pics!


Piper was having a rough tummy night and Tim finally took her in to our guest bed to sleep.  This is how I found them in the morning. 

20120306123612 She loves Daddy!!20120308085003Dress up20120424091106 Dance class

2012040815435020120408154415 Playing with caterpillars!

20120501125525Silly girl 20120504173252 Sleepy girl20120508094313 Sweet sisters!

20120509081008 Singing in the bathroom201205121204142012051615105620120516201703 Ice cream after AWANA

20120523195856 AWANA award

20120524120258 Doughnuts for lunch!20120525153610 First day the at the pool!20120529101637Natural Science center

20120531080800 Great style choices!

20120601075625 Izzy’s drawing of Grandma and “Grandpa with a few hairs!!”

2012060309153220120603091557 Pretty church girls201206031724442012060317265220120603172831

Our first makeup experience!  Courtesy of Karmyn!


Whew!  I caught up Smile  Love, love, love the randomness of our life!

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