Friday, October 12, 2012

Craft time!


Almost every day at 4pm I think I may not make it til Tim gets home.  The girls are antsy, I’m tired, dinner needs to be made….. how will we make it through??  We have craft time!!  We do play dough, coloring, stamps, stickers, painting, scrapbooking all while listening to KLOVE!  It helps my mood, it passes the time and the girls LOVE it!  One of their favorite types of crafts is gluing random things to paper plates.  Not quite sure how we came up with this craft but it is a win win!  They can do it independently, it is not “too” messy and it makes them super happy!   DSC_0002DSC_0003

These are Halloween crafts if you can’t tell Smile  I keep the plates on the counter for a few days and then throw them away when the kids aren’t looking…. 

WHAT??  C’mon I can’t keep everything!

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