Monday, June 25, 2012

How are you going to do that??–Inducing Lactation


I am going to try to breastfeed our adopted baby!!  I am soooo excited to give this a try!  Many people are totally surprised when they hear me mention it so I thought I would do a post on how I’m planning on doing it, why I want to do it and how you can pray for me!

You can do that??

Yep!  I am going to be taking a drug called Domperidone.  It is a medicine normally used for stomach issues but has the side effect of increasing serum prolactin (the hormone that makes you lactate). 

image  It is similar to Reglan but doesn’t cross the blood-brain barrier so therefore doesn’t cause depression and many other side effects that Reglan does. 

I am also going to be taking several herbs to increase my supply.



Then I am going to pump, and pump and pump- til baby gets here!!




Why in the world don’t you just use formula??

Well I had all intentions on using formula….. then I had a crazy dream about me trying to induce lactation and pumping and pumping and pumping.  The next day I was talking to my friends about the craziness of the dream and saying how I would “never do that!!”  Over the next few days I began thinking about it and the thoughts just wouldn’t leave me alone!  Funny how God works like that sometimes…. I talked to a friend who challenged me to think about it more.  I did, and I prayed about it.  I really started to think that this was something I maybe should do.  I enjoyed breastfeeding my girls, didn’t really have any problems, in fact I felt like it was easier than using bottles and formula- which I had to do for a few months with Izzy when my supply decreased around 10 months.  I have no clue why I feel like God wants me to breastfeed.  Maybe it has to do with bonding, maybe it has to do with someone I will meet sitting somewhere nursing my baby, maybe it has to do with me just listening and obeying.  Whatever the reason I am going to give it a go!  I have done tons of research, met with a lactation consultant and formulated the plan above.  I was unsure about how to bring up the subject with our birthmom but during our visit she asked me if I was planning on breastfeeding.  It was totally a God thing that she even asked me- as she said she had never even heard of it(adoptive nursing) !!  She was really interested in learning about the process and is very supportive of it!!  Just a little more confirmation that this is the path we are supposed to take Smile


Please pray!!

For a full supply!!!  It is hard to predict what your body will do.  I am hoping and praying for a full supply!  I hope to pump until we get our baby and then be able to breastfeed and not have to worry with supplementing.  You can also pray that I won’t have any side effects from the medication or herbs. 


I am super excited to start!  I will start the medications and pumping when I get back from the mission trip to Guatemala!!  Feel free to ask me how it’s going or ask any questions :)


Unknown said...

I am so amazed by you!! Praying!

Deborah said...

I love that you are going to do this.I think it is wonderful. Praying you are successful!

Betsy, Eric, and Sophia said...

WooHOO! Awesome Bethany! I know a mom who successfully breastfed 4 (FOUR!) adopted children and speaks so positively about each of her experiences (each different in their own way). I will be praying for you and the requests you mentioned! :)

Wagner Family said...

Congrats on your little girl. I think it is wonderful that you are breast feeding. It really is a great time to make you stop and just enjoy those moments with your little one. I hope everything goes well for you.